Weight Loss Craze

Want to reduce 5 to 6 kg in a week?

If your answer to my question is yes then you’re reading the 

right blog. With the following recipe your will reduce you can 

loose weight from 5 to 6 kg within 7 days. This is a guaranteed 


All the ingredients are most probablu already present in your 

kitchen so go ahead:

You need:

   1. A little piece of ginger
2. 1 tsp of lemon
 3.  1 tsp of honey

  4.   Water


Take sauce pan, boil half cup of water with ginger in it. Once 

it is 

boiled take that half cup off the stove and add honey and 

lemon. Mix well. Drink this in the morning after you wake up. 

Make sure you are empty stomach.Also drink it at night before 

sleep. You will be amazed with its results.

Tip: If you are doing this remedy avoid sugar and all types of 


I hope you try this and let me know if you like it.


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