Instant Glow

Instant Glowing Face

When you look fresh, you think fresh and when you think fresh you do your best.

Everyone desire to have a flawless skin now a days so the people are using beauty 

product that have certain chemicals the may result irreversible damage to her hair and 

face. I will share with you people a very simple yet easy remedy for instant glow and 

fresh skin. The remedy is purely natural and organic with no side effects.

So here you go:

1 tbsp of sandalwood powder

1 tsp of rosewater

1 tsp of Aloe Vera gel (from the AloeV era leaf)

Mix all these ingredients to make a paste and apply it your face. Leave it for 20 

minutes and you will see an instant natural glow on your face.

Tip: Before you apply any remedy or product, do a patch test to see that your skin is 

not allergic to the specific remedy.


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