beauty craze

Mask for dull and damaged Hair

 We all are now a days very much conscious about our good looks, 

makeup, dresses and so on. We sometimes unknowingly use some 

things which cause harm to us. As now a days hair treatments are 

very expensive and include lots of chemicals.

 Don’t worry! I am sharing a very useful hair mask remedy, that is 

very helpful in restoring your hair and making them strong and 


 All the ingredients are available at your home:


·     3 tbsp yogurt
·        2 tbsp milk
·  1.5 tbsp honey
·       Any of your favorite oil (coconut oil, olive oil etc)


Beat the yogurt and make a smooth paste, then add milk and 

Before applying this mask use any of your favorite hair oil after 

oiling, apply this mask. Keep it for 30 mins, rinse off and shampoo 

your hair normally as you do.

Use natural products say and no to chemicals.

Let your hair do the talking.


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